


Kostas Kypriotis
Kostas Kypriotis PT, MSc IMTT & IBITA Instructor

Kostas graduated from the physiotherapy department of the Technological Institute of Athens, Greece in 2003.

He has been awarded with Master Degrees in the fields of Neurorehabilitation (MSc Neurorehabilitation, Brunel University of London, UK) and Metabolic Bone Disorders (MSc MBD, School of Medicine, University of Athens, Greece), in 2005 and 2011 respectively.

He has received training in concepts such as IMTT trigger points, Bobath, PNF, Maitland, Customized Orthotics, Neurodynamics, Acupuncture, Fascial Manipulation and Kinematic Taping.Moreover, he has attended courses by Mark Jones, Paul Hodges, Lorimer Moseley and Angelo Maravita

After finishing his postgraduate studies in Neurorehabilitation from Brunel University in London, Kostas attended at 2008 his first Bobath course for the treatment of adults with lesions of the central nervous system. Since then he took part in Bobath Courses in Greece, England, Germany, Belgium, Italy and Portugal, while he started to be trained as a Bobath Assistant Instructor by the International Bobath Instructors Teaching Association (IBITA). IBITA is an international educational association, which delivers clinical education regarding the Bobath Concept. Since 2017 he is an IBITA Basic Course Instructor.

In parallel, he developed a special interest for the role of myofascial dysfunctionin terms of motor control and movement dysfunction. He therefore has been trained in Greece and Switzerland by the InteressengemeinschaftfürmyofaszialeTriggerpunkt-Therapie (IMTT®).IMTT (imtt.ch) isaSwissbasededucationalassociationprovidingclinical education to physiotherapists and doctors regarding the assessment and treatment of myofascial dysfunction. Kostas is an Instructor of IMTT courses since 2014.

Currently, Kostas continues to practice clinically in a private practice in Athens, Greece. He is treating adults with neurological or musculoskeletal disorders, having a special focus in movement analysis and myofascial dysfunction.