De Coninck
Steven De Coninck
PT, International Cyriax Lecturer, Chair ETGOM
1989 : Brussels Free University (Belgium) : degree in Rehabilitation and Kinesitherapy(Physiotherapy)
1989 : specific Cyriax training for one month ; Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle (Great Britain)
October 1989 – today : private physiotherapy practice, De Haan (Belgium). With focus on diagnosis, treatment and prevention of soft tissue lesions of the locomotor system.
1989 – 1992 : attended seven times the complete course on “Orthopaedic Medicine Cyriax”, ETGOM in Belgium ; one course in London (Great Britain)
December 1992 : 3 day course “Reflex massage of the sole of the foot”, Paris (France)
1992-1993 : training for assistant teacher in orthopaedic medicine Cyriax, ETGOM
29-31 january 1993 : course “The maitland Concept”, Antwerp (Belgium)
27-30 october 1995 : course “McKenzie : the lumbar spine”, Antwerp (Belgium)
6-8 october 1995 : course “McKenzie : the cervical spine”, Antwerp (Belgium)
11-13 october 1998 : “McKenzie course, problem solving part C”, Antwerp (Belgium)
June 1993 – october 1994 : member of the board of “Unie van Kringen voor ZelfstandigeKinesitherapeuten” (association of self employed PT’s)
1993 – 1994 : I acted as a thesis-promotor for a graduate physiotherapy student, H.T.I., Bruges (Belgium)
15 June 1999 : co founder and president of the “Global Cyriax Institute” ; author of the quality and contents standards concerning continuing education in orthopaedic medicine Cyriax. Development of the first “Cyriax Assessment Forms”
2003 : creation of the OMConsult back prevention project. Specific lectures for companies on prevention of back problems ; more info on wwww.rugpreventie.be